Right Selection of Colors For your website

It also helps to engage your visitors on your website.

Selection of bright Colors
While the selection of the colors keep in mind your brand logo and your products. Then according to this, choose the color that complements your brand effectively. The colors matter a lot in the website designing to attract your potential audience.

According to some studies, it is clear that usually, 90% of people make a perspective about your website by the presented colors. It takes only 90 seconds by the average person to form a positive or negative interface with your website. Colors help to build brand recognition, and people remember your brand through this. Even in ecommerce sites, the colors play a significant role in shopping decisions of 80% of visitors.

While the selection of colors for your website, you have to do proper research and study the websites of your competitors as well as the related top websites. This will help you to understand why they use the colors and what kinds of graphics they are using. In this step, the essential thing is that you have to understand why they select those colors. In this way, you can take inspiration from them for the right selection.

Different Combinations of colors

You can also use a combination of colors that appear more appealing, eye-catching and create a proper and perfect harmony in your website design.
There are different types of colors like primary, secondary and tertiary. For color combination, you can use the color wheel to understand the color relationship for creating a best and eye-catching website. Here are some examples where you can use the combination of color on your website.
•    Mixing primary colors to its complementary colors gives you perfect results. Some examples are red, orange, green and blue.
•    Analogous colors involve selecting the colors on the color wheel right beside the color chosen as if you want blue then blue-violet or blue-green can give your website super results.
•    In triad color scheme you have to make a symmetrical triangle from your primary color to two others for an extra appealing effect. Keep three colors between your selections at all time. For example, if your primary color is blue, then your other colors might be yellow and red.


Colors help a lot to attract your audience and for the success of your website. This process of color selection should be time-consuming and don’t take it lightly. You can select according to gender and age of the audience as usually men like bright while women prefer light colors in website designing. Although there are no hard and fast rules but keep in mind your brand as well as the psychology of your target audience.


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